The eighth professional manager BBS of Weifang Changda Construction Group held i

On August 6 to 10, the eighth professional manager BBS of Changda Construction Group was held in Blue Ocean Jingang Hotel of Huangdao. 35 professional managers from subordinate units at the grass-roots level, subsidiary, headquarter offices participated in the BBS. Group senior leaders Xu Pengqiang, Zhu Jiuzhou, Teng Zhongbin, Jiang Jianlu, Mu Naijie, Zhang Lianyue, Zhang Xuezhi, Liu Yanbing attended BBS activities.

    The professional manager BBS began with the theme of "Bright spot, standardization, execution". And within five days, the professional managers exchanged the theory point of view, talked about the ideas, told the experience, reached the consensus. In addition to this lecture teaching, exchange of experience and the scene view have been arranged.  The total BBS activities are substantial in content and had a clear target. The final formation of "The Huangdao Consensus"  has a very positive function both for the group's development and the current enterprise management. The BBS has yielded fruitful results.

    It carried out in accordance with the established module, at the same time combined with  teaching class. This had very strong pertinence. At the opening ceremony on August 6, the general manager Zhu Jiuzhou gave the commencement address about the background, the theme, the meaning of the BBS, giving a clear requirements and instructions, guiding the BBS from a strategically advantageous position. On August 7, on the standardization, informationization module, specially invited deputy general manager Wang Xitao of the information center of Qingdao Construction Group gave a thematic teaching evaluation about how to implement the informatization of premium quality upgrading, such problems as how to realize enterprise informatization reality demand. On August 8 to 9, on the highlight and execution module, the professional managers exchanged their reports around the highlight of the implementation of management this year and how to build executive force. On August 10th, the exchange of experience and field observation activities implemented docking with Rev. Glue Building Groupglue.

    Compared with the previous professional manager BBS, the prominent characteristics of the professional manager BBS is pragmatic.

One of the biggest achievements of this professional manager BBS is forming unified concept, namely "The Huangdao Consensus". The consensus signed and accepted by all the professional managers of the BBS and comply with it. When the next session of professional manager BBS is held we will conduct a comprehensive summary and analysis for the practicing situation of the consensus.

    Group chairman Xu Pengjiang attend all the BBS activities and made important speech. He fully affirmed the achievements of the theory of the professional manager BBS and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the professional managers in BBS for their contribution during the period. The chairman's speech is divided into eight aspects.

    On the BBS, professional managers from different aspects also put forward many ideas and suggestions from different angles. Some opinions and suggestions have been exchanged during the period of BBS communication and reached a consensus, or already urged the relevant units department putting forward the method and solution after the investigation. Some opinions and suggestions will be brought to the group senior management leadership for further discussion, study and resolve.

 The eighth professional manager BBS hosted by Liu Yanbing, vice general manager and secretary-general of the BBS.


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